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Hello, I'm

Patalee Narasinghe

Data Science Engineering Student

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Passionate Learner

Problem Solver

ML Enthusiast

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B.Sc. Data Science Engineering Undergraduate
at University of Moratuwa

I am a passionate and enthusiastic software developer with a strong drive to learn and grow in the field. Despite being early in my career, I have gained valuable experience by working on several projects that span machine learning, frontend, and backend development. My ability to quickly adapt and acquire new skills has enabled me to contribute effectively to different aspects of software development. I pride myself on my collaborative nature and strong teamwork skills, which allow me to work seamlessly with others to achieve shared goals. I'm committed to continuously expanding my knowledge and making a meaningful impact in the tech industry.

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Ecom platform

Ecommerce platform

Database design and implementation for a single vendor e-commerce platform with a simple UI using Flask.

Sentiment Analyzer

Sentiment Analyser

Sentimental analysis for amazon product reviews to give product improvement tips (Natural Language Processing)

Dating app

4 bit microprocessor

Xilinx Vivado project for 4bit microprocessor capable of adding and subtacting. Designed in VHDL.

Dating app

Voice Translator and changer

Python project integrates speech recognition, translation, and voice synthesis to change user into a character!

Dating app

Sustainable Habitability Score Prodiction

data preprocess,Model selection, Evaluation (MAE, MSE, R²,RMSE)

Dating app

Dating app

Tinder like social media app using MERN stack

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